Lineedge Preview 1.0

Hello, unknown traveller! Here you can view the information about Lineedge Preview 1.0. This game was not published but you can view the changes list, screenshots and/or videos.
- You can enter the zone of golden cubes and tetrahedrons. And you can even kill them. But they can kill you too, if you idly wander around their territory for a long time.
- If the character is dead, a cross is displayed. Pressing Enter returns to the city.
- The Lonely Magician has been added. Unfortunately, this is not visible in the video. We'll have to supplement it with a screenshot as well.
- A label appeared above the character, displaying his name or "GUEST".
- Now the information about the player's account and about the game is saved in different files. This made it possible to save arrays and dictionaries as information about the player. In the future, each player will have their own file.
- Gradients appeared on the menu buttons, which does not require much effort, but is much more nice looking than single-color buttons.
- You can gain levels, as you can see in the second screenshot.

Link to video 1
Link to video 2
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